Original articles
Sugii, S., Hagino, K., Mizuuchi, R. , Ichihashi, N.* Cell-free expression of RuBisCO for ATP production in the synthetic cells . Synthetic Biology , 8 (1), ysad016. (2023)
Ueda, K., Mizuuchi, R. *, Ichihashi, N.* Emergence of linkage between cooperative RNA replicators encoding replication and metabolic enzymes through experimental evolution . PLOS Genetics , 19 (8), e1010471. (2023)
Mizuuchi, R. *, Ichihashi, N. Minimal RNA self-reproduction discovered from a random pool of oligomers . Chemical Science , 14, 7656–7664. (2023) #プレスリリース , Featured: #月刊化学 解説 , #現代化学 FLASH , #Newton FOCUS
Maeda, Y., Mizuuchi, R. , Shigenobu, S., Shibai, A., Kotani, H., Furusawa, C, Ichihashi N.Experimental evidence for the correlation between RNA structural fluctuations and the frequency of beneficial mutations .RNA , 28 (12), 1659–1667. (2022)
Kamiura, R., Mizuuchi, R. , Ichihashi N.Plausible pathway for a host-parasite molecular replication network to increase its complexity through Darwinian evolution . PLOS Computational Biology , 18 (12), e1010709. (2022) #プレスリリース
Yukawa, K., Mizuuchi, R. , Ichihashi, N. Relaxed substrate specificity in Qβ replicase through long-term in vitro evolution . Life , 21 (1), 32. (2022)
Mizuuchi, R. *, Furubayashi, T., Ichihashi N.* Evolutionary transition from a single RNA replicator to a multiple replicator network . Nature Communications , 13, 1460. (2022) #プレスリリース , #Press release , Featured: #Top 25 Life and Biological Sciences Articles of 2022 in Nature Communications , #DISPATCH of Current Biology , #Quanta Magazine , #SYFY WIRE , #日経サイエンス, #日本経済新聞, #東京新聞, among other >50 media outlets.
Reyes, S., G., Kuruma, Y., Fujimi, M., Yamazaki, M., Eto, S., Nishikawa, S., Tamaki, S., Kobayashi, A., Mizuuchi, R. , Rothschild, L., Ditzler, M., Fujishima, K. PURE mRNA display and cDNA display provide rapid detection of core epitope motif via high-throughput sequencing . Biotechnology and Bioengineering , 118 (4), 1736–1749. (2021) #プレスリリース 、#Press release
Mizuuchi, R. *, Ichihashi, N.Translation-coupled RNA replication and parasitic replicators in membrane-free compartments . Chemical Communications , 56, 13453–13456. (2020)
Furubayashi, T., Ueda, K., Bansho, Y., Motooka, D., Nakamura, S., Mizuuchi, R. , Ichihashi, N.Emergence and diversification of a host-parasite RNA ecosystem through Darwinian evolution . eLife , 9, e56038. (2020) #プレスリリース
Sakatani, Y., Mizuuchi, R. , Ichihashi, N. In vitro evolution of phi29 DNA polymerases through compartmentalized gene expression and rolling-circle replication . Protein Engineering Design and Selection , 32 (11), 481–487. (2020)
Mizuuchi, R. , Usui, K., Ichihashi, N. Structural transition of replicable RNAs during in vitro evolution with Qβ replicase . RNA , 26, 83–89. (2020)
Ueda, K., Mizuuchi, R., Matsuda, F., Ichihashi, N. A fusion method to develop an expanded artificial genomic RNA replicable by Qβ replicase .ChemBioChem , 20, 2331–2335. (2019)
Mizuuchi, R. *, Blokhuis, A., Vincent, L., Nghe, P., Lehman. N., and Baum, D. Mineral surfaces select for longer RNA molecules . Chemical Communications , 55, 2090–2093. (2019) Featured: #Chemistry World , Royal Society of Chemistry
Mizuuchi, R. *, Lehman, N. Limited sequence diversity within a population supports prebiotic RNA reproduction . Life , 9 (1), 20. (2019)
Smail, B.A., Clifton,B.E., Mizuuchi, R. *, Lehman, N.Spontaneous advent of genetic diversity in RNA populations through multiple recombination mechanisms . RNA , 25, 453–464. (2019)
Mizuuchi, R. , Ichihashi, N. Sustainable replication and coevolution of cooperative RNAs in an artificial cell-like system .Nature Ecology & Evolution , 2, 1654–1660. (2018) #academist Journal , #Behind the Paper , Featured: #News & Views of Nature Ecology & Evolution , #Ars Technica
Mizuuchi, R. , Kawase, H., Shin, H., Iwai, D., Kondo, S.Simple rules for construction of a geometric nest structure by pufferfish . Scientific Reports , 8, 12366. (2018) #プレスリリース , Featured: #Science writer Willy van Strien’s blog , #南海日日新聞
Kawase, H., Mizuuchi, R. , Shin, H., Kitajima, Y., Hosoda, K., Shimizu, M., Iwai, D., Kondo, S. Discovery of an earliest-stage “mystery circle” and development of the structure constructed by pufferfish, Torquigener albomaculosus (Pisces: Tetraodontidae) . Fishes , 2 (3), 14. (2017)
Mizuuchi, R. , Ichihashi, N., Yomo, T.Adaptation and diversification of an RNA replication system under initiation- or termination-impaired translational conditions .ChemBioChem , 17 (13), 1229–1232. (2016)
Mizuuchi, R. , Ichihashi, N., Usui, K., Kazuta, Y., Yomo, T.Adaptive evolution of an artificial RNA genome to a reduced ribosome environment . ACS Synthetic Biology , 4 (3), 292–298. (2015)
Jia, T. Z.*, Mizuuchi, R. *How biophysics shapes the origins of life: a 21st IUPAB/62nd BSJ joint congress symposium overview . Biophysical Review s , 16, 539–541. (2024)
Mizuuchi, R. *Constraint on an RNA world on montmorillonite clay . Biophysical Journal , 123 (4), 421–423. (2024)
Yukawa, K., Mizuuchi, R. , Ichihashi, N.How prebiotic complexity increases through Darwinian evolution . Current Opinion in Systems Biology , 34, 100456. (2023)
水内良 * 原始生命を模した分子複製システムの進化と改良 Viva Origino , 49 (3), 10. (2021)
Mizuuchi, R. *, Ichihashi, N.* Primitive compartmentalization for the sustainable replication of genetic molecules . Life , 11 (3), 191. (2021)
Conference papers
川瀬裕司、水内良 、進寛史、北嶋友喜、細田耕、清水正宏、岩井大輔、近藤滋 アマミホシゾラフグがつくる「ミステリーサークル」の謎を解く計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集 、ROMBUNNO.GS03–5. (2017)
Mizuuchi, R. , Ichihashi, N., Usui, K., Yomo, T. Evolution and Adaptation of the RNA Coupled with an Artificial Life-Like Self-Replication System to a Severe Translational EnvironmentProceeding of International Astrobiology Workshop 2013 , 1006. (2013)
Books, Magazines, etc.
市橋伯一、水内良 「RNA ワールド仮説と生命の起源 」RNAの科学、金井 昭夫 (編)、朝倉書店、p241–249、2024年7月
水内良 「進化を予測するのは想像以上に難しい 」実験医学 2024年3月号、p560–561
水内良 「生命の起源の謎を解く 自己複製する最小のRNAとは? 」月刊 化学 2023年12月号、p44–47
水内良 「研究最前線 」分子サイバネティクス ニュースレター Vol.6 2022年6月
水内良 「生命の起源 – 原始的な複製体はいかに複雑化しうるのか? 」academist Journal, 2018年10月
Ryo Mizuuchi . “Survive and evolve, dynamics of cooperative RNA replicators in a compartment ” Behind the Paper of Nature Ecology & Evolution , August 2018
水内良 「研究奨励賞受賞記 生命の起源に魅せられて 」日本進化学会ニュースVol.24 No.1, 2023年3月
水内良 「第22回大会 ポスター発表賞 最優秀賞 受賞記 」日本進化学会ニュースVol.21 No.3, 2020年12月